Hidden Like Counters on MorphMarket

Did you know there are hidden counters on MorphMarket?

Hidden Like Counters on MorphMarket
MorphMarket UI showing counters - normally these are hidden
Hidden counters on MorphMarket
Hidden Counters on MorphMarket

Did you know there are hidden counters on MorphMarket?

You probably already know that you can favorite snakes using the heart button on MorphMarket. There are actual small numbers representing the total number of likes on the animal but they are hidden for some reason.

With a little bit of code we can expose them.

likeCounters = document.querySelectorAll('[class^=likeCount]');
for(i = 0; i < likeCounters.length; i++) {
	likeCounters[i].style.opacity = 1.0
    likeCounters[i].style.color = 'black';

Why are they hidden? We don't know!